Comprehensive Energy Efficient Services
At Johnson Environmental LLC, we specialize in providing comprehensive energy efficiency and analysis services. We are RESNET-accredited HERS Raters here in the US and have experience with Energy Star, EFL, IECC, and CA Title 24 code programs. Our experienced energy efficiency inspector can develop a plan tailored to the exact requirements of your project — allowing you to save money on monthly costs while also providing assurance that your systems are in proper working order. A home energy audit is very beneficial for understanding just how comfortable your home is and how energy-efficient it is, as well as detecting any safety issues that may be present. Here are just of few of the many energy planning services we offer;
- Plan modeling and analysis
- Energy audit home inspection
- Inspections
- Home performance testing
- Air conditioning duct testing
- Energy Star certification
Energy Star Final Testing
During the Energy Star Final testing process, an inspector fills out an additional Energy Star checklist to meet the Energy Star requirements. The minimum requirements of this inspection include the blower door and duct blaster testing according to the initial proposed rating to achieve Energy Star Certification. Advanced testing is available at an additional charge to improve your home’s energy efficiency even further.
Forensic Energy Final Testing
In the event that a builder does not complete the insulation inspection required to certify a home, an Energy Final with Forensics Inspection will be performed. Infrared thermal imaging and verification of all energy-efficient features are included in this inspection. Advanced testing and inspections are sometimes included as well.
EFL Final
This program is designed for builders who want to take their construction to the next level. We turn your home into a “system of systems” that works together, allowing you to get the best comfort and energy efficiency.
Energy Star Final + Green
This service includes energy final testing and green program verification.
Energy Final Code
We offer energy final testing services that include duct blaster and blower door testing that must meet or exceed the limits stated in the inspection code.
Green Final
To comply with the respective green building program, the green final includes all items on their scoring tools in the green final inspection.
Energy Star Insulation Inspection with Rough Ducts
Insulation inspection that follows Energy Star performance and prescriptive guidelines. During the frame stage, we conduct a rough duct inspection according to Energy Star standards.
Code for EFL Insulation
EFL insulation inspection to verify that all the energy components inserted into the rating file meet insulation specifications.
Green Building Energy Star Installation Inspection
An energy efficiency inspector will conduct an insulation inspection in accordance with Energy Star standards along with the green building requirements chosen by the builder.
Insulation Inspection – Code with Green
Examination of the insulation in accordance with the energy code standards used to rate the builders’ plans. In this inspection, the energy efficiency inspector includes a list of items used by the builders to score in the green building.
Plan Analysis – Code
The energy efficiency inspector uses REM/Rate software to analyze the energy plan to ensure it is in compliance with the code.
Plan Analysis – HERS
Our energy efficiency inspector uses REM/Rate software during the energy plan analysis to achieve the HERS index score. This service is reported to the National Rating Registry and requires an additional fee to cover RESNET’s HERS rating charges.
Plan Analysis – Energy Star
The certified energy efficiency inspector performs an energy plan analysis based on the Energy Star standards. The energy efficiency inspector goes over the performance and perspective standards with the builder. The builder is required to ensure all performance and perspective standards are met to receive Energy Star Certification.
Schedule an Energy Analysis and Inspection Today
ENERGY STAR® is the key to energy efficiency. ENERGY STAR-certified homes boast better quality, better comfort, and stronger systems as they are built using tried-and-true integrated construction practices. This means more value today and a greater return on your investment in the future. To meet the needs of your project, we offer comprehensive energy analysis & inspection services for Energy Star, EFL, IECC, and CA Title 24 programs. Call today at (605) 940-0759 to schedule a comprehensive energy analysis and inspection.